So, I have actually been balancing wedding planning, medical school applications and classes pretty well. I haven't had a breakdown yet this semester which is good for me. Usually I have a breakdown around now because everything converges into a big mess that needs to be completed all in one week. Of course that would be the next two weeks, so if i can get through them I will be proud of myself. Anyway, its the last day of October which means exactly 8 months from now I will be walking down the aisle and getting married.
I've been googling a lot of decoration options and how I want flowers to look at the church and stuff and I think I have a pretty good handle on what kind of flowers I want at the wedding now. That is progress for me because i am not a fan of flowers. I saw a really pretty picture while exploring google of a bouquet made of white roses and blue hydrangeas. Love the look. Very soft and elegant but the hydrangeas make it kinda fun and full. I may want to add some silver in there somewhere, but this is good. The bridesmaids may have something similar, but all white and silver. Still thinking.
Next thing I have been looking at are the decorations for the church. I had a meeting with the decorator at our church and we came up with some good ideas. Got a solid idea for tributes, and the aisle decorations are pretty set now too. The only thing I need is something for the pulpit area. I really like the draped fabric look. This would be my dream. Draping of white fabric and light blue fabric. I like the lightness and freshness of the look and because I have draping in the aisles it would flow really well. I guess I need to see what I can do to create this look at our ceremony venue. Maybe some pillars on the pulpit or one of those arches that I hate but drape it with organza or something. Any artsy people have any ideas?

Here is a scaled down version of what it could look like, just picture it in a church. The colors actually are perfect too.
The next thing that is going well are my save the dates. I love them so far. I have about a month to complete them and send them out. This is the first big step. People actually knowing about your wedding. One of my buddies is helping me make it look pretty and professional. Haha PJ if you read these you have a shout out on my blog. John was getting involved too and that makes me even happier. Just have to figure out some clever words for them which I think John may have figured out for me. Go figure, I am the writer in this relationship and he figures out the wording for the save the dates LOL.
But anyway, I have been doing a lot over the past couple weeks even through I haven't been diligent at blogging. I promise to get back at it once I get through these next couple weeks of classes. Enjoy your day everyone and save those pennies.