So wedding lore says that on Leap Day, it is acceptable for women to propose to their boyfriends. They even made a whole movie about this. I think it is an Irish custom or something but, anyway it could be something fun to try if your man is procrastinating on popping the question. Well, it would be fun if he said yes. Well anyway, I would love to hear any stories of women who have actually proposed to their men on Leap Day.
Well, on to wedding discussions. There is a lot to do as our wedding day comes closer and closer. We have finally started really nailing down this guest list. By guest list, I am pretty much referring to the reception guest list. It is by far the hardest thing to do when you are planning a wedding. If you have ever planned one, you know what I am talking about, if you have not planned one, you will find out what I am talking about. It seems like when everyone hears that you are getting married, the next question is am I invited to the wedding. It's hard to say yes or no to that because neither answer would be good. If you say yes, then you kinda have to pay for them to be there, if you say no, they go into this long story about how long they have known you. Just a sticky situation. But if you want to save money, the fastest way it to cut down the guest list. But the fastest way to get in an argument with someone about your wedding is guessed it cut down the guest list. But anyway, things are going pretty well. We still have to trim the guest list a little more, but we are getting there.
We did make an Access database to keep track of all the addresses and from there it will be pretty painless to print labels off. Nope, I am not going to be taking anything to a calligrapher, nor am I going to be writing out anything, takes too long. Does anyone still do that anyway?
Bridesmaids are on schedule with ordering dresses, groomsmen need to get on it LOL. We are still looking for a DJ to play for our reception. So if anyone has any referrals, let me know.
Like I said, we are making headway. With all the weddings going on and people posting pictures of their big days, I am getting more and more excited about that special day. I will not have my intimate, small wedding, but hey that's what I get for having so much family. I will not complain. Well, make someone smile and save those pennies.