1. Hugs and Kisses: Sounds cheesy I know, but I was reading one of those articles about what everyone in the wedding party is supposed to do. I really liked it when they pointed out that the groom should make it a point to just hug or kiss their fiance during things like the rehearsal dinner. This can apply to anyone involved in the wedding. Just a little hug from one of your closest friends or a kiss for the hubby to be can make the stress level ease up a little bit.
2. Words of Encouragement: This is a big step for the future couple. Although I haven't yet experience this stress that everyone tells me will come because I am still a year away from my wedding day, I am sure there will be times when it seems like nothing is going right. That is the perfect time to give the free gift of words of encouragement. Just a little pep talk from a bridesmaid or close friend can help to make that stressful day a little easier.
3. Helpful Hands: Now, I remember being a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding and the night before there were a bunch of leftover DIY projects she wanted to complete. I am going to be a DIY bride all the way. I feel like if I can do it myself, why pay someone else, especially if they are gonna charge me an arm and a leg. I will admit, I am not the one who will ask for a bunch of help, but trust me, I am going to need it. Helping hands are priceless in more ways than one.
I was in a sentimental mood today, and the title popped into my head, so I started writing. If you have more things that don't cost money you would like to share go for it. I am sure you know a bride or groom who would love to get one of these gifts. Helping others is what life is all about. You don't always need money to make the most impact. Have a great day, and Save Those Pennies.
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