Hey everyone. Super happy right now because the Steelers beat the Bengals AND the Ravens lost today. That makes me happy.

Just want to give an update on my pennies. I made a bank run this weekend to cash in the change I have collected since I started this blog. I am proud to announce that I have collected $126.75 in change. And once again people are laughing at me for saving change to pay for a wedding. Yea, it may not pay for the whole thing, but my goal is to get $1,000.00 in change. You know how that old saying goes "reach for the moon and even if you don't make it you will land among the stars"? Yea, that's my mentality for this whole pennies idea. If I only save $500.00 that is more than I had before and that will pay for something. Thanks to everyone who is helping me out and saving change. I really appreciate it.

Gotta think outside of the box when it comes to stuff like this, because weddings can be very pricey. The more you can save up the better. Use EVERYTHING you can to save money. These days banks and credit card companies are doing this point system thing where you can get stuff for a certain amount of points. This is a GREAT way to help get some extra cash. Commit to use a certain card that accrues points for the big purchases and keep track of what you need to get what you want. If you start using this early enough, you can have enough points to get money back, buy plane tickets for the honeymoon or use the points to pay the credit card bill. You are already spending money on everyday purchases and on top of that, wedding items, so you might as well get something for it. There are so many ways to save up money if you commit to research it and stick to it.
So, wedding stuff that's coming up:
1. Save the dates: I am planning to finish my save the dates soon so that I can send them out to out of town guests only. I also decided to send them as Christmas cards. Since I usually send Christmas cards to my out of town relatives, I am not really wasting any money on stamps. Everybody else is going to hear word of mouth or when they get the official invitation in the mail. So, if you read this blog regularly fam, our wedding is June 30, 2012 so don't schedule anything that weekend LOL.
2. Out of Town Accommodations: Need to start researching hotels in the area that will be fairly inexpensive so that our out of town guests will be able to book their room and not spend an arm and a leg. Also gotta see who will be able to give discounts for the guests since its a part of a wedding. I am also planning on putting together an out of towner's welcome package with information on the wedding stuff and interesting places to go in the area. I don't need to have this done until closer to the wedding, but anybody who knows me, knows that I will start working on it now so it matches the theme of the wedding.
I am getting really excited. Our wedding is in a little over 7 months. AAAHHHH!!! Oh yea, I started a new feature on my blog. I will be trying to post a money saving tip everyday. If anybody has any suggestions, let me know and I will use it on the blog. I am just trying to be as helpful as I can. Well, save those pennies.
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