2 yards of plain white tulle ($1.99/yard)
1 Bottle of Glitter spray paint ($5.99)
1 Spool of Ribbon - $1.19
1 Strip of Pearl Trim - $.97
1 Pack of Metal Combs - $2.99
Grand Total: $15.12
To save even more money, come armed with coupons for Joann Fabrics. I completely forgot to bring mine, but you can usually find some 50% off coupons online.
At David's Bridal, the average price for a full length veil is $100.00 or more. In all the grand total for savings is about $85.00 by making your own veil.
Here is the 95% finished product. Still need to add a couple more details, but for the most part it is complete.
The full veil (I haven't sprayed the glitter on yet)
When you spray the glitter on, make sure to test the spray paint on a piece of the scrap fabric to make sure it does not ruin it. The kind I used was Krylon Glitter Spray Paint and it worked perfectly on the tulle.
A picture of the trim (still need to put the little pearl detail on.)

How it looked on my wedding day. So proud of this DIY project.
If you would like to try to make your own veil here is a video that may help you get started. This is what I used to help guide me in my wedding veil making adventures.
It does take a little bit of time and patience, especially if you would like to put a little bit of trim on the bottom of the veil. Hey for $15.00 you may want to experiment and if you don't come up with something you like, you still have time and money to find other options. But, if you are even the least bit crafty, it could save you a bit of money. I hope you enjoy this project, I thought it was really easy and fun. Save those pennies ladies.
Hello! How did the glitter spray paint turn out?