1. Do what you love.
This is your's and your fiance's day. Don't let other people control something that is for the two of you. Let others make suggestions and help out, but if you don't like their suggestions, just let them know in the most polite way possible. Weddings bring out something different in people. I don't know what it is, but everyone wants to help and put their input into the ceremony or reception activities. But, if you aren't careful, you could be stressing yourself out for no reason because you want to please everyone. You cannot please everyone, so you might as well do what you love.
2. Take some Me Time.
I wish I had done more of this while I was planning my wedding. I didn't realize how essential it was until the bridal shower when we went to a spa and I got a massage. The lady said that I was really tense. That was when the light bulb went off in my head that I probably should have been doing more stress relieving activities leading up to the wedding. If you make a point to do them, most likely they will get done. Just remember to take some time for yourself to calm down and relax.
3. Stay Close to the Fiance.
This is another thing I wish I would have done more of during the wedding planning process. It is really easy to get knee deep in projects, planning and life in general, that you can lose sight of what this is really about. Its about you and your love professing your love to each other and promising that love to each other before God. Remember to stay close to your fiance. Even if he doesn't want to be included in wedding planning or even if he is driving you crazy, go on a romantic dinner, go on a picnic, take a bike ride, do anything that will keep you two in each other's corners. You two are your best allies when the family starts screaming about how great great aunt so and so didn't get an invitation.
4. Be Picky...but not Bridezilla.
It is really important to be picky without driving people crazy. Just because something is on sale doesn't mean you have to buy it. Just because the Dollar Store has stuff that is only a dollar doesn't mean you have to go crazy and buy up the whole store. But, at the same time, don't get too crazy with everything having to be perfectly the same. Things will be beautiful no matter what because people don't know what it should look like or what you wanted it to look like, they just see what it looks like. I had to take a step back at times and remember this myself. It helped me down the stretch to not flip out when I ran out of blue ribbon and needed to use silver ribbon on some of the programs. Its ok. Stay sane.
5. Finally...Appreciate Everything & Everyone.
People don't have to help you. Your bridesmaids are not your personal assistants for the year or two that you are planning your wedding. This is not their job, they are doing this because they want to support you on a very special day of you life. Same with your family, they don't have to give you anything, they don't have to help. So, let people know how much you appreciate their help. Its the little things that you can use to show your appreciation. Like, not flipping out on people if they don't do it exactly the way you want it done. The differences will provide character. Remember to say thank you. It seems so small and insignificant, but people will remember if you don't say it.
Well I hope you all enjoyed this blog. Here are some albums from the wedding pictures. Enjoy. And one last time...Save those pennies. Stay tuned for my next blog coming to a computer near you by mid August.
Wow. Congratulations on your wedding. Looks like you had lots of fun. Enjoy your honeymoon.