Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Possible Solution To My Organza Bags

I did some googling after I posted my blog and I think I may have found a solution to my problem of personalizing my organza gift bags. Found this blog:

This is what the bags look like after they are stamped with the Stazon ink.

Has anyone ever tried this? Advise anyone. I found these letter stamps on Joann Fabrics website

I could find a cursive G and make a monogram with our wedding date and maybe a cute little flowery stamp design that would go with the design on my invitations. I am getting really excited about this craft. I actually can't wait until my bags come in so that I can experiment. Good thing I got more than I need so that I can test this idea out. Like I said if anybody has any other ideas let me know or if you have ever used the Stazon ink on organza bags that would be great too. Save those pennies.

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