Hello Peoples. I wanted to update everyone who is following my blog with how many pennies (or change period because I have been collecting anything) I have saved. I want to add a progress bar so that I can update it without writing a blog about it every month, but I searched and search google which is usually my answer to everything, but could not find an easy non-techy answer to my question. So, until one of my wonderfully intelligent readers helps me, I will be writing a blog about once a month letting you all know my progress in saving.
Well, I am really excited. I counted all the change that I have gotten so far and I have a little over 5000 pennies that mean a little over $50. Not bad for a month. I will confess I have been throwing change into a little froggy my fiance bought me long before I was engaged, but hey that counts too now that I am saving money for my wedding. That means, all I need is 495,000 pennies to reach my goal. Hey even if I don't get all 500,000 anyone who is planning or has planned a wedding knows that every little bit helps.
By the way I am still looking for any help with any of those little details that you may have forgotten about if you have ever planned a wedding. I want to know everything. Thanks everyone and keep saving those pennies. Later Gator.
Hey how did you get the donate button on there?